Jam Biscuits

What I like about those biscuits is that there are minimum fuss for a maximum of flavour. They really are incomparable with the store bought ones. If you are more a chocolate type of person, you can easily substitute the jam with chocolate spread.

Ingredients (for 30 biscuits):

250g soft butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
120g golden sugar
250g ground almonds  
2 eggs
220g plain flour
strawberry jam

  • Pre-heat oven to 180°C
  • Cream 250g butter with 120g golden sugar and the teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • Add two eggs and then 250g ground almonds.
  • Fold 220g plain flour in.
  • Make little balls the size of a walnut and place them on baking paper on a tray.
  • Press your thumb in the centre of each ball and drop in a bit of jam.
  • Bake for 12 minutes.
Its's ready, enjoy!


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